Try Low T Therapy before Resorting to Viagra


If you’re struggling with symptoms of erectile dysfunction, your doctor may suggest a prescription for Viagra or another pill to restore sexual capability. Erectile dysfunction may be caused by many factors, including an inadequate amount of testosterone, or Low T. San Diego men who have low testosterone levels also have a variety of other symptoms, and Viagra won’t do a thing to help alleviate the others. In the end, choosing testosterone therapy instead of Viagra can lead to an improvement in your overall health, rather than just restoring sexual function.

Different Treatments

Viagra can be effective in many cases for treating erectile dysfunction, but may not be the ideal solution for all men. For one thing, Viagra introduces phentolamine into the body, which is a foreign substance. Viagra is also not for use in men who have heart conditions.

There is also the argument that a prescription like Viagra may resolve some visible symptoms, yet the underlying issue of hormone imbalance remains. In the end, Viagra allows short-term sexual function without truly healing the patient.

The Natural Answer

Testosterone treatment at our San Diego clinic is a natural alternative to alleviating sexual dysfunction and other symptoms associated with andropause. Andropause is the male equivalent of menopause in women, and is defined by changes in hormone levels, moods, energy level and sexual drive and function. The use of hormone replacement therapy for women undergoing menopause has been met with a very positive response.

Why not use the same approach for men who are struggling with andropause? For men seeking a natural alternative to restoring their sex drive and functionality, testosterone therapy can be a powerful, whole-body solution.